Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects
2010 FALEA Christmas Party



     The Filipino American League of Engineers and Architects celebrated their annual Christmas Party last December 4, 2010 (Saturday) at the Keiki Care Center (Multi purpose room) located at Pearl City, Hawaii.  The evening was full of fun and surprises with games such as the raffle tickets and bingo with gifts that was donated by FALEA friends and family. The highlight of the event was the gift giving Santa Claus that was enacted by Mr. Eugene Calara, one of the FALEA officer. The children enjoyed singing the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" with each child getting their own Christmas present. FALEA carolers rendered their versions of christmas carols in English and Tagalog that set in the mood of the Christmas Spirit. A 15 minute video presentation was also presented to show some past activities of the group.  Please visit the FALEA web albums at to download some pictures taken from the event.


1) Potluck Dinner from all of the attendees of the Christmas party

2) Kids singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" with Santa

3) FALEA Carolers rendering Christmas songs in English and Tagalog

4) A group picture after the event