Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects

March to April


by: Mr. John Ramos

April 1, 2010 - BOARD of DIRECTORS’ MONTHLY MEETING: The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:15PM. A quorum was declared with 10 Board Members present.    Committee Reports: INFO & PUBLICATION – Website is current. Joey can put in photos if you have any to share the membership. Suzie, our HCES representative, is out of town and will not be able to attend the April HCES meeting. Angie volunteered to attend and represent FALEA. TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Attendance at our FE Review Classes has been steady at around 10-12 per session. The Dynamics portion will be skipped for unavailability of an instructor. Jeoffrey will schedule a practice exam on Sunday, the 11th. Thanks to our volunteer crew, the attendees were never lacking goodies to snack on during breaks. The Board also decided to provide a monetary award to the top passer of the exam as an incentive.  MEMBERSHIP – The latest member application was reviewed and approved. Welcome aboard Eligio Rempilio!   Unfinished Business: FALEA GOLF TOURNAMENT – We now have 41 Teams and picking up more sponsors and donors. The Golf Committee will be scheduling special meetings in the days ahead including the night before the April 16 event. FILIPINO FIESTA PARADE – Reminder: The date is May 8th. Elvi is coordinating with Roger for the use of his flatbed truck for the parade float. Some good designs/sketches and ideas for the float had been flaunted around during informal meetings. Also, we’ll be providing special caps for all parade participants. New Business: Summer Frolic – camping at Bellows for the weekend of July 2,3 & 4. More discussion on this later after the Golf Tournament.  Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. Next Meeting: May 6, 2010, 5:30 PM at APB’s.