Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects

April to May


by: Mr. John Ramos

May 5, 2010 - BOARD of DIRECTORS’ MONTHLY MEETING: The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:00PM. A quorum was declared with 11 Board Members present. Date of the meeting was changed because of the upcoming Fiesta Parade this weekened. Treasurer’s Report: Marisol gave an update of current balances to both FALEA and Foundation. There are still several receivables which will be followed up on. She again reminded the Board that receipts are required for reimbursement of authorized expenses in behalf of the organization. The President also reported that the FilCom Center will be giving us a $500 check to help defray the cost of building the Float for this weekend’s parade. Committee Reports: INFO & PUBLICATION – Website is current. Joey can put in photos if you have any to share the membership. Suzie, our HCES representative, attended the May 4th HCES meeting. TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT –FALEA will host a get-together for the recent FE Review attendees and volunteer instructors. More details later. MEMBERSHIP – No change. Unfinished Business: FALEA GOLF TOURNAMENT – Thanks to all for another successful event. We now have money to continue funding our scholarship program. FILIPINO FIESTA PARADE – May 8, the date of the parade, has come and gone so fast...but it’s over and again thanks to all for the hard work and dedication of those who stayed up until late in the night to help build and set up the float for the following days parade in Waikiki. Many thanks specially to Roger Urbi, a past president of the organization, and his staff for letting us use his flatbed truck for the float, and his facility in Waipahu for all the pre-parade preparations activities. Thanks also to the parade volunteer marchers who had to get up early, and to the Bicol Club members who let us share their area for the post-parade picnic at Kapiolani Park.  SUMMER FROLIC – Elvi gave an update on the proposed Camping at Bellows. It’s been changed to a possible one-nighter only instead of 2 nights. This will be Saturday night, July 2. More info later as we finalize the reservation process. New Business: Coming up is our Assembly Meeting in August to elect new Officers and Directors for the 2010-2012 administrative year, and our Inaugural Banquet on October 2, 2010 at the Pacific Beach Hotel. Mark your calendars. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. Next Meeting: June 3, 2010 at APB’s.